
優質客戶推薦 (十三) - 形象攝影:夏福樂教授的分享 (Customer Sharing - Portrait Photography)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:夏福樂教授 (1)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:夏福樂教授 (2)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:夏福樂教授 (3)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:夏福樂教授 (4)

夏福樂(Christian Schafferer)教授是政治社會學暨經濟學家,1999年遠道從奧地利負笈來臺求學後又持續在臺教學,迄今已二十載。他對攝影具濃郁興趣,其許多作品試圖補捉時刻背後的社會環境與對社會的意涵。從這些我們所拍攝照片的眼神與肢體語言中,這樣的人文情懷飽含於其中,也由衷感觸生命的美妙神采!

Prof. Christian Schafferer is an Austrian political sociologist and economist who came to Taiwan since 1999. He also got interested in photography. In his works, he endeavors to determine the social circumstances behind the captured moments and their implications for society. These pictures we took are full of such humanistic feelings and triggered us the meaning of “Wonderful Life”!