
優質客戶推薦 (六) - 形象攝影:林家正醫師的分享 (Customer Sharing - Portrait Photography)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:林家正醫師 (1)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:林家正醫師 (2)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:林家正醫師 (3)

第一次與林家正醫師碰面,就被他翩翩風度所吸引。林醫師的談吐,各方面所展現散發出來的氣息,我們倒覺得他應該更像是一位藝術家,或甚至是 model。從林醫師自信而隨和的照片中,我們再次體現生命的美妙神采!

For the first meet, with his attractive elegant demeanor, in our studio, Dr. Lin immediately caught everyone's attention. Instead of knowing him through our understanding, we'd rather believe that Dr. Lin was an artist or even a model. From all of these pictures, Dr. Lin again lets us know that "Life is Great"!