Mr. Phil Opamuratawongse目前是印尼一家新創物流公司的共同創辦人,優異的表現為他入選富比士2020年在亞洲30位30歲以下,在零售與電子商務類的精英榜行列。Phil來自泰國,母親是道地的臺灣人。他畢業於美國史丹佛大學、哥倫比亞大學等一流學府。這樣的卓越傑出,紮實充沛的顯露湧現在我們為Phil所拍攝照片的整體神韻當中!
Mr. Phil Opamuratawongse is the co-founder and CEO of an Indonesian logistics-service company. His excellent performance helped to allow him listed in the Forbes 30 Under 30 - Asia - Retail & Ecommerce (2020). Such an outstanding achievement, appeared fully and truly from Phil's photos we took. He holds a BS in Mathematical and Computational Science from Stanford and an MS in Operations Research from Columbia.
Mr. Phil Opamuratawongse is the co-founder and CEO of an Indonesian logistics-service company. His excellent performance helped to allow him listed in the Forbes 30 Under 30 - Asia - Retail & Ecommerce (2020). Such an outstanding achievement, appeared fully and truly from Phil's photos we took. He holds a BS in Mathematical and Computational Science from Stanford and an MS in Operations Research from Columbia.