
形象攝影:副總統蕭美琴 (Portrait Photography: Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影 (1) (副總統蕭美琴)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影 (2) (副總統蕭美琴)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影 (3) (副總統蕭美琴)

李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影 (4) (副總統蕭美琴)


With her sincere, affirmative, confident eyes and perfect skin, Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao’s latest portrait photography, as well as those from different periods, created a specific personal style and photographed natural, vivid, splendid high-quality “professional portrait photography”. The overall charm and elegance is naturally displayed.


2023 最新活動 (一) - 全新招牌:脫穎而出 (The Shell Li Photographie 2023 Activity - Brand New Projecting Metal Lightbox Sign)

李幸珠專業人像攝影 2023 最新活動 (一) - 全新招牌 (1)

李幸珠專業人像攝影 2023 最新活動 (一) - 全新招牌 (2)

李幸珠專業人像攝影 2023 最新活動 (一) - 全新招牌 (3)

2023年11月30日,「李幸珠專業人像攝影」歡欣更換全新招牌──不鏽鋼烤漆雷射雕刻加透光壓克力立體字──展現脫穎而出的積極意念。為各行各業專業人士所需求的形象攝影,或者為珍愛家庭的全家福攝影,還是為天真活潑的兒童攝影,再到時尚攝影、孕婦攝影…… 等等,持續為我們的客戶,提供充滿愛、美與希望的高品質專業人像攝影服務!

Joyfully hanging a brand new projecting metal lightbox sign for The Shell Li Photographie! It indicated our positive thoughts and expectation to stand out to provide the most state-of-the-art portrait photography and service, with love, beauty and hope, to each and everyone of our respected customer.


精彩客戶作品 (五) - 全家福攝影 + 形象攝影:陳慈禛藝術家兼攝影師的留影 (Wonderful Works - Large Family Portrait & Portrait Photography: Artist and photographer Tzu Chen Chen)

李幸珠作品 — 全家福攝影 + 形象攝影:陳慈禛藝術家兼攝影師 (1)

李幸珠作品 — 全家福攝影 + 形象攝影:陳慈禛藝術家兼攝影師 (2)

李幸珠作品 — 全家福攝影 + 形象攝影:陳慈禛藝術家兼攝影師 (3)

李幸珠作品 — 全家福攝影 + 形象攝影:陳慈禛藝術家兼攝影師 (4)


Ms. Tzu Chen Chen, a multi-cultural artist who was born in Taiwan and now lives in Switzerland. Her diverse creations are demonstrated in different aspects, including photography and painting. Together with her husband, son and daughter, they brought to our studio not only a natural beauty of art, but also a sense of freshness. Such atmosphere immediately defines the best interpretation for “Life is Wonderful”.