李幸珠作品 — 形象攝影:吳翰青總經理特別助理 (3)
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優質客戶推薦 (七) - 形象攝影:吳翰青總經理特別助理的分享 (Customer Sharing - Portrait Photography)
吳翰青先生 (Roger) 目前擔任宏碁公司自建雲事業群總經理特別助理。每天所在探討與剖析的,是思考如何在雲端物聯網串連下,為台灣企業尋求持續與世界接軌的機會與挑戰。在其專業的領域外,對於拍照,Roger 還蠻像是個大學生,開朗、自信,同時散發濃濃的書卷氣息。從 Roger 的照片中,我們又一次湧現生命的美妙神采!
Roger has been working for Acer Build Your Own Cloud (BYOC™) and focusing on how to redefine and connect world for individuals and businesses. Besides his expertise, when taking photos, Roger would be more like a college student who was open, bright, self-confident and with a deep sense of bookish interest. By viewing these pictures, Roger again is telling us that "Life is So Wonderful”!
Roger has been working for Acer Build Your Own Cloud (BYOC™) and focusing on how to redefine and connect world for individuals and businesses. Besides his expertise, when taking photos, Roger would be more like a college student who was open, bright, self-confident and with a deep sense of bookish interest. By viewing these pictures, Roger again is telling us that "Life is So Wonderful”!
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