蛇年到 安康喜樂
新春來 捷足先得
李幸珠專業人像攝影 The Shell Li Photographie,由衷祝願大家新年快樂,諸事圓滿,蛇年豐收!
In the Lunar New Year of Snake, The Shell Li Photographie sends our best wishes to all of our valued customers and good friends all over the world!
On-site photo by Shell Li
新春來 捷足先得
李幸珠專業人像攝影 The Shell Li Photographie,由衷祝願大家新年快樂,諸事圓滿,蛇年豐收!
In the Lunar New Year of Snake, The Shell Li Photographie sends our best wishes to all of our valued customers and good friends all over the world!
On-site photo by Shell Li